Wednesday, October 7, 2009

To Genghis Kahn...

Hi its poh-ca-han-tas. so for our essential question we just post a blog with the answers to the question in paragraph form still? Also... do we do a discussion at all about the question by blogging it or do we not discuss it?


  1. Good question. so blogging is like talking. If you want to blog an answer to a question in paragraph form I will count it as your weekly essential question. If enough people will blog different answers, this could help you for the test, because you could just hit print and have notes. Did I answer your question? What do you think?

  2. Yes that answers the question. But is it still ok if we blog back in forth in discussion before we write the esential question answer?

  3. Yes. That is exactly what I want you to do. -GK
