Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Genghis Kahn (Essential Question)

Read Pgs: 294-297

Time Line: 400 CE-1000 CE

Why did the Vikings, the Magyars, and the Slavs leave their homlands and invade Western Europe? How did these invasions change the western europes' economy?


  1. There are a few different therories here, so feel free to give your best guess, and we'll iron out the details. GK

  2. did they because of religion changing or did they want another power, a power which could actaully help them out of the poverty they were in... i know they converged into christianity because off the video they guy was being baptized and stuff but was that they reason they left or something more into that situation?...

  3. After reading those pages, was it because that Western Europe was more stable at the time is why they invaded? Or did Western Europe get more stable after they invaded.

  4. I like your thoughts.
    I think it might have been an economic reason. The Vikings needed resources, and western Europe had resources. After the Vikings kicked butt and took the resources, Europe decided they needed make a better system. People usually are willing to give up power when they are scared. The common people lose power, and the rulers take power. Think of it a globalism in a sense. -GK

  5. Ok did it change their economy because people took charge of power and ensured if you gave somethign you would get something in return. but also they were in so much of rut before that anyone just stepping in and encouraging and being smart with money carried on throughout years to help their recession cease?... sacagawea. is this right or is there more involved...

  6. didnt you say that they were also scared in a way to decline trades and such because of people with their power. Also that they were excited for new things as long as it brought good to their country so they wouldnt decline? -Po-ca-han-tas

  7. Way to go Sacagawea! You are totally on the right track. People, in general, are willing to give up power for safety. Also, power allows for a more centralized economy, which Western europe lacked.

    Pocahantas, I think you're on the right track too. We'll talk more in class. -GK

  8. I think the land is a main point! The Vikings badly needed in this, also they have seek for a gold! Also i think Varvars were in company with 6them. So there was a spirit of destroing. Does it mean they were jealous? No, they just wanted gold and of corse power! Am i right, Genghis Kahn?

  9. I think their rush into Europe didn`t help Europe`s economy at all! It was not really good this time even without Vikings! Magician
