Thursday, October 8, 2009

Genghis Kahn (Essential Question Thusday 10/8)

pgs 303-309

Imagine that you are a religious, but superstitious, peasent living in the middle ages. Invent an explanation for the famine that has struck your village.

Be creative with this one. Also, don't forget to turn in one essential question this Friday, or tell me which post to grade. Sorry to miss you guys in class; Virginia's sick, and it's my turn to stay home with her. I will try to get online during class though.


  1. ok im a completely lost on what your talking about in this question. Would it help to read our text book? will it help me understand it a little more?

  2. so do we state more like of an opinon to why we have the famine taht has struck our village of do we look up a village and then state that famine?... sacagawea

  3. The post from 12:35 p.m. was from Poh-ca-han-tas (FYI)

  4. Poh-ca-han-tas and Sacagawea,

    The book will help, and you're right you can give more of an opinion. Why would famine strike a village? Witches? Sin?

  5. Well if i lived at that point of time. I will probably say :"There are terrible sinners in our village! That's why God is punishing us! WE must find them." So, may end by sacrificing people(remembering Stewen King), who knows? DEspair can make people even worth stuff and sink lower than they are right now
