Friday, October 9, 2009

John Jacob Jingle Hiemer Schmidt ( Popes and Monarchs )

Conflicts developed between Popes and monarchs for a couple of reasons. First, the Pope had more power than the monarch so there was always a power struggle between the two. The Pope always had the last word because he served "God." The monarch only served his country so the people would always listen to the Pope if the two orders contridicted each other.

The conflicts could have easily been resolved peacefully by the Pope and the Monarch agreeing on a decision and making comprimises with each other. This could have brought more solidity in the heirarchy of their society.


  1. Casey, i thought your reasoning on the second part was very well explained. But do you think that they would make comprimises in the Dark Ages? In my opinion i cant see it because everything seemed so evil. You dig what im saying Homey? HA
    - Po-ca-han-tas

  2. You got it, John Jacob. HA has a good point though. Why would the Pope give up power to the king?
