Friday, October 9, 2009

Genghis Kahn (Essential Question Friday 10/09)

pg 308-312

Why did conflicts develop between popes and monarchs? Could have their disputes been resolved peacefully?


  1. Conflicts developed between the two because they first both had alot of power. They were the top dogs in a way. Another conflict was that they both inturpeted the bible in different ways. The pope was to be Gods speaker on earth so the religious people really followed him in a way, but the monarchs ruled there own land, so people almost had to follow his rules. This caused confusion on what to do and who to follow. I dont think they could've resolved the things peacefully. It was the dark ages, nothing was peaceful or went peaceful back then. They would have always been going back and forth trying to get power, and sadly, they only tried to settle things in nonpeaceful ways. - Po-ca-han-tas

  2. the conflicts occured because they both wanted the power over the people. they wanted to be the people that other people looked up to and wanted to use their defining interpretations of the bible to establish their lead over the rest... being men of their land and races, if you will, the disputes couldnt have been peaceful becuase no matter the time something or someone would put a set back or a kink in their newly developed chain so their finally discovered realizations would no longer have a meaning and a great fight or war could break out just because of power and a mans will... sacagawea

  3. Well, it is like to have two presidents at the same time. Each of them wants to have more power than another does. Well compromise is possible, but temprroary. So, "God" is talking through pop, but he also choosed heir - monarch. So, it is really depends on many factors, who is gonna be more successful. Usually pops won, but there a few kings who were really in charge. Great example - Henry 8. This one just changed the religion!
