Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Genghis Kahn (dark ages clip)

Check out this clip, and tell me your thoughts...


  1. In my opinion i got lost as the video went on. It gave me the idea of what times were like back then. For example, the captives having to get the stone from the boiling water. That was interesting.

  2. It is somewhat confusing. But, you can see these were some dark times, which is probably part of the reason they call it the dark ages. Why do you think power was so concentrated?

  3. i think power was so concentrated because there was no positive outlook on anything going on and the men felt power could change this and also gain them somewhat of popularity in a way. The men would alter how their faith was suppose to be interpeted and would use it in the way they wanted to even if this was not in a good or positive way.

  4. Well said, Pocahantas! I think you have a big understanding here. Do you think the Vikings made them feel inferior? -GK

  5. That was impressive.n I really like it! So, riligion is a great tool to unite people There are some similarities between Dark Ages and puritans I think. Strickt, radical(spelled wrong i think!)way of understandin religion. The law is the Bible and no alternetive. If you did not think the same you would better keep yuor mouth shout! Witch trails....That was really creapy time. They throw people in the water in if person sank - he is inocent. But you can not get him back alive!!!!!!!! They were just like:"God will take it into his account. Calm his soul"...Yeah really DARK time!
