Thursday, October 8, 2009

Genghis Kahn (Fun Question)

Why is Friday the 13th such an unlucky day?

Hint: Think Knights of the Templar


  1. the Pope of the church in Rome in Conjunction with the King of France, carried out a secret death warrant Against "the Knights Templar". The Templars were terminated as heretics, never again to hold the power that they had held for so long. There Grand Master, Jacques DeMolay, was arrested and before he was killed, was tortured and crucified.
    site cited-

  2. MR. Genghis Kahn! THere were a few of them! King Philip tortured poor arrestants during long 7 years and Master, Jacques DeMolay was preatty old, but he took all seven years before he `ve confess. Do you believe in Master`s curse? Everithing came true! MAGICIAN
