Friday, October 9, 2009

Senator E.Q.

Here's my answer to the E.Q.: Why did conflicts develop between popes and monarchs? Could have their disputes been resolved peacefully?
Conflicts between the popes and monarchs begin to arise due to the idea that monarchs have the well-being of the country and the economy in sites, whereas the pope has the well-being of Christianity as a whole in sight. The problem with this is that popes have quite a bit more power than the monarchs. The monarchs are free to do with whatever they feel necessary until the pope says otherwise. The problem with the pope being the main spokesperson for the whole religion is basically, who is to say the way this ONE man’s interpretations are the correct ones…no one. If he states that the French need to attack the Germans, but the monarchs are saying “no this could ruin us”, he must do so anyway. Their disputes could have been talked over to decide what to do rather than just the one mind set of…the pope is always right. Although he may be, no one knows for sure, therefore it is always better to talk things over and not to stick with what the big man says all the time.

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