Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Essential Question for Wednesday 10/7/09

pgs 298-302

How does Feudalism and the Manorial system work? In what ways did nobles, knights, and peasents cooperate during the midevil times? Why did productivity go up?


  1. feudalism is more of militaryu over land and manorial system is more of the agricultural ways?... Sacagawea

  2. Yes. yes. And these systems define power and class systems. You got it though. -GK

  3. Feudalism was a new form of politcal system. It was a highly decentralized form of governement. It stressed alliances of mutual protection between monarchs and nobles. The trade was based on giving land to the nobles in exchange for loyalty. Along with the land there were peasants to farm it. It started in 900 A.D. then spread.

  4. did they cooperate because they knew their postions in life and although they might not have enjoyed it, they knew it was their duty... this helped things function and move somewhat smoothly...i just kinda thougth this up. didnt look at anything. just guessing but is it somewhat right?...

  5. Manorial system defintion-

    economic and social system of medieval Europe under which peasants' land tenure 2)). Spiritual welfare was provided for by frankalmoign tenure, i.e., granting lands in charity to religious bodies. Serjeanty tenure furnished the king with needed officials and with personal services. and production were regulated, and local justice and taxation were administered. The system was intimately related to feudalism feudalism but was not itself feudal, since it had no connection with the military and political concept of the fief. The fundamental characteristic of the manorial system was economic—the peasants held land from the lord of an estate in return for fixed dues in kind, money, and services. The manorial system prevailed in France, England, Germany, Spain, and Italy and far into Eastern Europe. A similar method of landholding by the peasants has existed in countries outside Europe, notably Japan and India. from website-

  6. Well done!!! You girls got it. Hopefully, your class will appricaite your work. -GK

  7. The idea of "duty" is important to note too. Aristotle would agree.

  8. I know that in early development of feodalism, knights made up a lot of "Clubs" (most of them were religious) Temploits The begining was really noble, bot then it got ot be just a system. Also they used to be very reach. Magician

  9. Well, Templaits in particulary was not even a class, it was a little goverment. They had their own rules, own gold. They started 7 wars. They had "step" system. The Philip the beautifull(One of the successfulliest) was even so jealous of them! It is a class of society(bad spelling, i know!)They had a lot of benifits from King and were able to give to foloving generations! THey were "king`s soldiers", but in pease they had preveligious jobs. Most of them were rich and had a "noble blood". Magician
