Thursday, November 19, 2009

John Jacob Jingle Hiemer Schmidt on WWII in HD

There were several great primary sources in this video. The entire video was a primary source because it was composed of autobiographies from soldiers that had fought in the war. Some of those include Charles Sheffel, Rockie Blunt, and Jack Yusen. The most interesting part of the video was about the battle on the island of Saipan because after the Americans had secured the island, the Japanese civilians all becan killing themselves because of the fear that their goverment had instilled in them about the Americans. Over 10,000 Japanese civilians, women and children, died in one day due to mass suicide. Why did the Japanese always resort to suicide when they were about to lose a battle? I liked Haley's info that she presented. I didn't know JFK was a Captain in the United States Military.

Casey Henry

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