Thursday, November 12, 2009

'Blog for morgan

Blog- Sacagawea- The Witnesses
The best primary sources for my video were the actual people who saw JFK become assassinated. They heard where the shot originated from and where it was more realistic than what got started going around. Beverly Oliver was one of the few who were standing very near to the picket fence where most of witnesses the shots were taken. She will never be convinced otherwise of where the shots were taken other than that fence. Phil Willis also believes this theory was well. He however also believes that more than 90% of the Texas’s population believes the picket fence was where the shots were taken as well. Also the police officers from Texas who took in Oswald and had to take care of the body for that given time were also great primary sources. They are because they also witnessed it and also had to help investigate it with the FBI. Those certain officers were Jesse Curry and James Hosty.

To me the most interesting part of the video was the beliefs of the Texans compared to what got around to the rest of the United States. Their thoughts should definitely go into close examination because of the fact that they were there looking at it with their own eyes. One man, Phil Willis, was very much haunted by what he witnessed that day with seeing his presidents head being blown off in the back. He saw exactly how his head reacted and to him it felt like the whole situation happened in slow motion. Hearing what they saw and hearing their much described generalized accusation, it is a very hard thing to consider them wrong.

My question is with so many of the witnesses stating if the secret service would have been going faster, than the presidents wounds could have been treatable…then why were the secret service going so with the president of the United States in a convertible?


  1. Haley's number four!
    Morgan i like your last question. Its very true. In someway its kind of like they were setting him up in a way. I wonder if people ever looked into that more. Your first two answers were well answered. It gave me an answer of how he truly died since i only got to watch 45 minutes of my video. You always have my back and in this case... i had your front.

  2. That does sound like an amazing film.-Genghis Kahn
