Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jackie Robinson

The best primary source from this film was Rachel Robinson, Jackie’s wife. She told us about how he acted when he was discriminated. She said that he just never said a word to the person. He just turned the other cheek.
The most interesting fact that I learned from this film was that Jackie was a football star in college instead of baseball. He went to UCLA and played running back. He was the nation’s leading rusher.
What reason made Jackie’s decided to peruse baseball instead of football after college?


  1. Wow Tanner. This is haley. I had never knew that at all. This is very intrigueing. Your question makes me wonder the same thing!!!

  2. Whoa!!..... i just learned that Jackie was a football star. but very nice and to the point answers Tanner. :) well done. congrats on the girl too ;)

  3. she is talking bout your sexy girlfriend!!!

  4. Jackie Robinson was also a Republican. -Genghis Kahn.
